Duke of Edinburgh Adventure Hobart to Triabunna 5th - 9th January 2025 

  • Are you ready for a Tall Ship Sailing Adventure from Hobart to Triabunna? 

    This trip departs from Hobart Sunday 5th January and finishes in Triabunnna Thursday 9th January 2025

    Triabunna is 86K North East of Hobart on the Tasmanian East Coast. Driving time is approx 1 hour.

    These 5 days 4 nights multi day adventure journeys on the Lady Nelson meet the requirements of the Adventurous Journey section for any level of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. The trip could also be used to meet the requirements of the Gold Residential Project. For more information on how these trips meet Award requirements Participants should speak to their Award Leader or the State Award Office.”

    The structure of the voyage is that the youth are fulfilling 4 stations during the first 4 days

    These stations are

    • Navigation and ship’s command
    • Engineering
    • Catering
    • Deck Crew

    Whilst all participants are in their stations during the day they will be required to be on deck for sail handling when needed.

    At each station the participants are taught the basics of their roles.

    On the Thursday night the participants select a Master, Bosun and one or two Cooks from within the group

    These elected leaders take charge of the vessel (with supervision) to bring us into Triabunna

    Payment Information

    Cost:  $935 inclusive of all meals

    Trip will only go ahead if there are 7 or more confirmed bookings.

    A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your spot. You will be contacted once the trip is confirmed to arrange payment of the $885 balance.

    The deposit is fully refundable if the trip does not go ahead for any reason. 

    If you would prefer to pay the deposit by another means, please contact us at the office. 

    Book online or phone the Lady Nelson Office 03 62 34 3348 

  • 5 day Youth Adventure Voyage on a Tall Ship
  • Learn to sail  
  • Climb the yards 
  • Helming and navigation
  • Rotate through a range of roles   

View photos from previous youth trips

April 2024

January 2024

January 2023 

Elizabeth Street Pier - 4 Franklin Wharf, Hobart TAS 7000, Australia

Itinerary Details:

 January 5th - January 9th 2025

Departurne 9:00am on Sunday 5th January 2025

Arrival Triabunna 3:00pm Thursday 9th January 2025

These trips have been very popular and most have booked out very quickly - we may be looking at doing further trips 2025.  If the trip becomes booked out on these dates please email enquiries@ladynelson.org.au or phone the Lady Nelson Office 03 6234 3348 to be added to our contact list for new multi-day voyages.  

All sailings will depart Hobart, North side of Elizabeth St Pier (towards Mures) out the front of the T42 Cafe and Bar.


 Triabunna 4:00pm Thursday 9th January 2025

Participants will need to organise their own transport from Triabunna.

The Maria Island Shuttle Bus runs daily between Hobart and Triabununna. Bookings are essential.


The Lady Nelson Office is happy to assist you by discussing options. 


Participants will receive an information sheet detailing appropriate clothing, bedding and personal items.

  • Accommodation in single bunks on board the Lady Nelson
  • All meals including morning and afternoon tea

Our sailings are weather dependent - if we need to cancel for any reason you will be given a 100% refund.

We understand travel plans may need to change, if you need to cancel, please contact enquiries@ladynelson.org.au or ring 6234 3348 with as much advance notice as possible so we have an opportunity to re-sell your berth.

Our cancellation policy is:  

  • Cancellation within 7 days of the departure time - No refund *
  • Cancellation within 21 days of the departure time - 50% refund *
  • Cancellations before 21 days of the departure time - 100% refund less $15 administration fee  

* If we are able to re-sell a cancelled berth we will only charge the $15 cancellation handling fee. 

We recommend all guests take out travel insurance to cover unforseen changes to travel plans.  

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  Available     Full     Unavailable
Elizabeth Street Pier
4 Franklin Wharf, Hobart TAS 7000, Australia